martes, 15 de mayo de 2012

Some types of Jargon!

In one of my latest entries I talked about Jargon and Argot. In this one, I will present some of the specific jargons that we've learnt in our classes.

  • Scientific Language: It refers to all the words used in medicine and health care. It includes a lot of strange words regular people doesn't know, such as illness' names and instruments' names. It's highly technical.
  • Legal Language: It is the language used by lawyers and people related to legal processes. It must be precise and detailed, avoiding ambiguities, as a slight change in language may vary in the decision of a case.
  • Sports Language: It is composed by different words used in sports, which commonly are used to explain the game, call the positions, and similar. In Rugby, for example, we can find words like Wing, Scrum, Line-out, Full Back, 2nd row, and a lot more.

This three are the most common jargons that we know, but there are a lot others. Technology, for example, also have a lot of specific words.

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