jueves, 5 de abril de 2012

Debate: Language Theories!

In my old entries I showed some of the theories that try to explain how do humans acquire language. The motion of the debate was "Humans are born with an ability to create language" vs. "Language is a learnt construct like the rules governing a sport". In groups of two or three, we had to defend and argument our points of view in relation with the motion.

In my case, I worked with Mr. Romeu, and we argued that "Humans are born with an ability to create language", against Mr. Eidelstein and Mr. Labra. Good arguments were exposed by both teams, but I think that our best argument was "Humans speak, we all know that. But who created the language that we use? Humans, who else could have created it?" Personally, I think that this argument goes really deep into the language origins, and shows clearly that we, humans, created language.

I really liked the opportunity that we had to debate and I hope we debate again in the future, because it's an awesome way of learning, as both teams make their best to found good arguments.

1 comentario:

  1. It was definitely a very good activity and the rebuttal stage in each group was just BRILLIANT! I'm glad you liked it!
