martes, 10 de abril de 2012

Dramatic Presentation: The Tower of Babel!

Today, in our Language and Literature Classes we had to make an oral presentation. For this, we had to choose one topic related to language and present it to the class in groups. Some of the options to present were a role play, an oral presentation or a dramatic presentation.

I worked with Mr. Barriga and Mr. Gré, and we decided to do a dramatical presentation about the story of The Tower of Babel. So we divided us into three workers from Mesopotamia, and we also have God (Mr. Barriga did both roles). Our presentation consisted in a kind of introduction, where the three persons discussed about what to build to be famous and known around the world, and they all agreed that the best option was to build a tower to reach heaven. Then, Mr. Gré and me discussed about language while we "built" the tower, and finally God punished us by changing our languages, because we were ambitious and we wanted to reach heaven by an incorrect way. (The correct way to achieve heaven is by being a good person, according to the Bible).

Personally, what I most liked about our dramatic presentation is that we were able to present the story of The Tower of Babel, but we also combined it with a modern discussion about language (Innate Language vs Learn Language), and viewers seemed to like it. Luckily, we had no problems in our presentation and I think it was smooth and well done, so we are happy for that!

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