viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Text Analysis: Aspects to identify in a text!

Before we analyze a text, we have to know which characteristics of the text do we have to identify, in order to understand the "language in context". In this post, I will list some of them.

First, the three main aspects of any text:

  1. Theme: It's an abstract word that englobe's the text's mood.
  2. Topic: Debatable phrase that expresses what happens in the text.
  3. Main Idea: Brief summary of the text.

Another things that we can analyze in a text are:

  • Author's Purpose: Refers to the objective that the author had when he wrote the text, which may be to Inform, Persuade or Entertain.
  • Genres: Fiction (Stories and novels) or Non-Fiction (Essays, biographies, speeches)
  • Register: Refers to the complexity and level of language used. It may be Frozen, Formal, Informal (slang) and intimate.
  • Source: It's where the text was taken from.
  • Audience: It's the group or community that the author wants to impact with his writings.
  • Vocabulary: Relates with the words chosen to write.
  • Tone: How does the persona or narrator "tells" the text. It may be disappointed, positive, with melancholy, and many others.
All this aspects will help us to analyze any text and understand it in the best way possible.

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