viernes, 22 de junio de 2012

Thoughts about Language Variations

As we live, for some reason we tend to think that using the language perfectly is the best. If you are with your friends, of course, you will use some slang and informal language, but in general most people think that perfect language is better than slang or informal ways of speaking, and I consider myself in that group of persons. 

But now, if I think it more in depth, I realize that making variations in our languages is not that bad. Why would we just follow rules, instead of trying to correct them and make language better? Why would you go through the same path that someone went before, instead of creating your own?

But the thing is that people usually change language. That's why, for example, people from Ireland will speak different than people in South Africa, Australia or the US. I think that's because language belongs to a group of creatives persons. Once the lose their contact with the "true english", they just start making their variations to the language, to make it shorter or more expressive. The same happens with Spanish, each Latin country has its own type of english, with clearly differs with the language spoke in Spain. 

In the other hand, the relation between Latin persons and the US have created something called Spanglish, a combination of Spanish and English, which is now used by many singers and artists to go in both the American and English music markets. But it's not just for money, it's also because this persons grew up listening to both languages, and combining them was something that happened naturally.

Therefore, I think that native languages should always exist, but we don't have to be afraid to make changes to our language, because language belongs to the community and it must change has the generations of people go through time.

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