martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

The Diary of Arthur "Boo" Radley

Arthur Radley is one of the most interesting characters in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird". Here, I'll post the hidden diary of Boo Radly, in which we can appreciate his thoughts during the story.

Day 1
Today something strange happened, something I didn't like at all. When I was looking through the window, I saw many persons from Maycomb passing through the front porch of our house, walking towards the courtroom. Black and whites made their way to there separetely, as if people weren't all the same, as if a simple colour could separate humanity. I shuddered, because they were pretending to be happy, while huge problems were hidden beneath society. I also saw the Finches children and their friend going to the court. I'm quite sure Nathan told me one of the lawyers will be Atticus, but I'm not really sure. 

Day 2
I can't undersand what's going on in Maycomb. A man who seemed to be a farmer came along the street and spat at Atticus Finch's face. I was shocked, and I'm still impressed. The only thing I had in my mind at that moment were the memories from that one night when my elder brother took our his shotgun and fired it aiming the air. We never got to know who was in our backyard that night, but I'm quite sure the trousers I sewed were from our young neighboors, the children from the man that was wiping his face. Atticus didn't say anything, he seemed to endure it. In the other side, the old farmer seemed angry, as if pure fury went through his veins. I cound't stand for all that violence, so I closed the curtains and went to read. 

Day 3
Today it was the first day I laughed in many years, when I saw a ham walking through the street. Then I realized it was Scout, who walked with his brother Jem. Along with them I saw quite a lot of children with special costumes, I then remembered: It was Halloween. I had strong memories of my youth, when I saw how little boys and girls strolled around asking for candies with their special disguises. After the children passed, I sat in calm for over an hour. I enjoyed the twilight in Maycomb Town. After some time, I saw the old farmer that once spat Atticus squatting to the forest, as if he was hiding something. I felt something strange, because that farmer seemed to be ploting something bad.

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